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Koinonia Senior Care

Enriching the lives of homebound seniors and inviting our community to join us.

Koinonia Senior Care (KSC) is a small ministry with a BIG heart.  After 10 years of serving homebound seniors, we are finding it necessary to finetune what our mission looks like:

KSC IS not home health nor home care, but HOME VISITS.

Our ENRICHMENT TEAM makes home visits, specializing in the social, spiritual, and significance support of our homebound senior friends & their caregivers.

Our KSC CARE acronym has been updated to define our home visit mission more clearly.

C hristian fellowship—KOINONIA of Acts 2:42
A ctivities: exercises, games, KSC events, hymn sings, zoo visits
R espite and resources for caregivers
E quipping of enrichment teams and the community to enhance their serve

Our Mission Statement has not changed, but is clarified with color-coded explanations:

To enrich the lives of homebound seniors and their caregivers and invite our community to join us.

  1. To enrich socially, spiritually, and with an emphasis on their value and purpose.
  2.  The homebound are generally those who do not drive anymore and are either in a home or a senior community.
  3. Seniors are 65 and over.
  4. The caregivers are the ones caring for them, either at home or in a senior community.
  5. Our community are primarily the churches, but include schools, senior services, and businesses whom we can partner with for the good of our senior community.