WHO is this training for?
- Volunteers in the church, community, or with Koinonia Senior Care.
- Family caregivers or professional caregivers in a facility, for private pay, or with Koinonia Senior Care.
- Newly retired folk looking for a place to serve God by serving seniors.
- Pastors or lay persons who want to more deeply serve the homebound seniors in their congregation and community.
- Professionals serving seniors and who want to contribute to the aging-issues discussions.
WHY do I need training?
- To build your resources and responses to the aging issues seniors face.
- To gain a support group of compassionate, like-hearted friends who are also serving.
- To attain helpful skills and hands-on learning for confident service.
- To lead others in your church or organization.
- To become a better advocate for seniors, for KSC, for your church, and for your community.
WHAT is going to be talked about? Topics pertain to the physical, social, spiritual, and significance needs of seniors and their caregivers. KSC is non-medical, but some awareness of various physical limitations is discussed for safety and understanding.
WHEN is the training?
- 1st Wednesday of each month, at 1:00.
WHERE is training held?
- Tyler Road Southern Baptist Church 571 S. Tyler Road, Wichita, KS 67209.
- TRSBC has graciously donated their building to host our training and other events we hold.
HOW does KSC receive funding? Are they sponsored by a church?
- KSC is not affiliated with any particular church but is its own non-profit corporation. KSC partners with churches who welcome the opportunity to more deeply serve their aging congregation and community members.
- KSC receives funding primarily through donations by individuals who believe in what we do or have been personally served by the ministry. Donations also come through partnering churches.