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Koinonia Senior Care

Enriching the lives of homebound seniors and inviting our community to join us.

Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips. 

Proverbs 27:2 (NIV)

“Thank you for taking such great care with our patient.  We value your partnership and admire what you’re doing for our community.”


I really enjoy receiving the newsletters and seeing what the ministry is up to and just the stories that you guys share. It's so enlightening. Thank you for all that you guys do!


Dear Caring People,
I so appreciate your organization and your example of true Christian love. The newsletter is full of inspiration, encouragement, beautiful writing, and good ideas. Our elderly certainly deserve all the TLC they can get and I believe that those who care for them will be (and are) richly rewarded by God. Thank you!


Dearest Friends,
Thank you so much for all that you have done and your kind thoughts you've brought in to my life. You all have made such a different in my days before now and in this move.

You're dear, dear people and you are pleasing God, I know. I wish health and peace for you.


Jack & Jean   

Thank you for all you have done for us. I could not have made it through this initial period without your love, concern and most of all your prayers. I am sure I will need your love as time passes on.

God blessed Jack & I when he put you in our life.



Thanks! Kyla is such a gift during such a chaotic season.


The support Koinonia has provided is evident by how much calmer and less frustrated she seemed going into this set back. I love how you communicate with the care givers.

S & D   

Dear Gwendolyn and all of your helpers,
I wanted to send a note to thank you so much for the Easter Lily plant, the sweet familiar hymn, the thoughtful egg with the prayer quilt, and the visit from the kindest Ann. It really means a lot to us to be thought of. We miss attending Sunday services at our home campus so much, but we do enjoy attending the online service each Sunday morning.

I know it takes a lot

S & D   

Dear Gwendolyn and all of your helpers,
I wanted to send a note to thank you so much for the Easter Lily plant, the sweet familiar hymn, the thoughtful egg with the prayer quilt, and the visit from the kindest Ann. It really means a lot to us to be thought of. We miss attending Sunday services at our home campus so much, but we do enjoy attending the online service each Sunday morning.

I know it takes a lot of time, work, and planning to do something like this. We wanted to let you know how much you all are appreciated for your kindness. You all are very special.



Thank you for your kindness, information and assistance at a time when I needed it so very much. Dad and I both think you are a very special person fulfilling a special mission.

Delbert & Joy   

Thank you for the thoughtful gift of Peppernuts. Truly appreciated knowing the reasoning behind the gift. It was so gracious of Mary F. to bring it by; with a delicious lunch.



I really appreciate the Blessing Gifts. I can’t get out and go to the store for thank-you gifts or appreciation gifts, so these make some inspirational, thoughtful, and scriptural gifts for me to pass along and happily share with others who touch my life.


The Premier Designs "Heaven" necklace is so well thought out and was certainly an "appropriate" gift from you--thanks so much!


Thank you for all you do for me – I so appreciate having younger friends.

Sauder family   

The family would like to thank Koinonia Senior Care for the compassionate assistance Norm received from Christine, Sharlet, Bunnie and Emma. He hired you to be his “cooks” but you became dear friends and your help made it possible for him to live independently in his home.

Joyce, Bill, & Ruby   

Thank you for all the visits, treats, phone calls and delicious pumpkin bread from Nancy. It is appreciated more than you know. Blessings on you and your volunteers.


My life would have been so different these past five years if it weren't for the ministry of Koinonia. Thank you for the many countless ways KSC ministered to my mom, and therefore, me.

Mrs. N   

Your visit not only made my day, but also my Christmas, too....The girls...have come several times and always bearing gifts....You don't know how thrilled I am, that my 4th grader still remembers me. There's no greater gift for a teacher....thanks for being so thoughtful!


Don and Phyllis   

We want to thank you for the loving care you have given our parents over these last months. You have enabled them to stay in their home for much longer than they could on their own. Thank you for your love, thoughtfulness, patience, gentleness, and professionalism. You are like family to them and us!


You are truly a blessing!! Thank you for your help in getting my sister to her appts. It is very much appreciated!!

Tina and Bette   

Thank you so much for all the food you brought over to us. It was great not to have to think about dinner. Our bruises are fading! Thanks also for bringing the carolers, they brought a lot of cheer...thank you for the pretty poinsettia, too.


Mark and family   

Koinonia Senior Care serves a needy and deserving group of seniors who have often outlived their support or fall victim to lack of support from those who have become "too busy." Your group's care for our parents was critical in maintaining their quality of life through love and care...Thanks again for all you do and the Spirit of Christ's love in your service.


Thank you so much for taking Richard to get his vaccine!! You are a tremendous help and blessing!!


We want to express our appreciation for KSC. It truly is labor of love. I can't tell you what it means to have His light shining in our home each time someone comes. It fills me with the sweet aroma of Christ. Thank you for all your labor as you do so much. the blesing gifts are such a thoughtful personal touch. We loved reading the recent matters of the heart. Our caregivers are such a gift.

Gary & JoAnn   

Dear Christine, our sister in Christ Jesus, Thank you & all your volunteers for the prayers and help during our families need with Diana. God bless you & all that you do.


The neglect (of seniors) is unintentional but so painful. And preventable. As always, it just takes a small heart change, but those are so difficult to accomplish and maintain. Your reminders and nudges are gentle and positive and needed!


The January KSC Connection is an absolute saver!! I especially love the chosen scripture verses for 2020. Trust me it really speaks to us who have hurting backs, legs, knees, feet - whatever! Keep up the Lord's work and my thanks to all involved.

Pastor Jeff Isaacs   

I would love for everyone to have the heart for senior adults that Koinonia Senior Care has for senior adults. This ministry is a wonderful example, and reminder, for all of us about the importance and value senior adults have in our society, and most importantly in the eye of our God.

There is a reason that grandparents seem to be the most loved family members. They have been the foundation, the constant source of encouragement, wisdom and love to

Pastor Jeff Isaacs   

I would love for everyone to have the heart for senior adults that Koinonia Senior Care has for senior adults. This ministry is a wonderful example, and reminder, for all of us about the importance and value senior adults have in our society, and most importantly in the eye of our God.

There is a reason that grandparents seem to be the most loved family members. They have been the foundation, the constant source of encouragement, wisdom and love to those who call them by the coveted title “grandparent”. They have done so much for their families, for our communities, our world and our churches.

We all have a God-given responsibility to help encourage and care for those who have been the founding builders in our lives. I encourage you to partner with Koinonia Senior Care and help make a difference in the lives of those who have made a difference in all of our lives.

Riverlawn Christian Church


Your helpers are wonderful. I treasure them.